About Us

About Us

Business process innovators.

For over a decade, Rocket Outsourcing/BPO has been a leading provider of cost-effective business solutions for organizations of all sizes. Founded with the goal of delivering quality outsourcing services that drastically lower operational costs while maintaining customer satisfaction, Rocket has established itself as a premier provider in the nearshore market. By partnering with Rocket, companies can enjoy a range of benefits, including reduced costs, no overhead expenses, and training and development at no additional costs, employee lawsuit protection, no licensing fees, and no setup fees. With our certified and native english agents you will have a fast ramp-up process, You can expect your businesses to experience an immediate positive impact on KPIs and customer satisfaction surveys.

Rocket offers a comprehensive range of, nearshore services in multiple industries, we serve from very complicated lines of business to typical customer support programs in most industries.

Rocket is focused in the US market and has multiple certifications like ISO, HIPAA, PCI, Soc 2 and many more to ensure quality and security to our partners. Strategically located in some of the world's premier outsourcing cities in Central and south america to ensure quality service and competitive pricing. Additionally, our cutting-edge AI tools enable our customers to achieve even greater cost savings. Our experienced staff is drawn from a wide range of industries and undergoes a rigorous industry-certification process for each line of business. Furthermore, our American management team oversees all call centers worldwide to ensure the highest standards of service and quality.

If you would like the best of both worlds saving plus gaining quality in your service provider look no further. Let us work with your team and experience the most experienced Nearshore partner today.

Some of our locations outside of the U.S.:

  • El Salvador
  • Guatemala
  • Costa Rica
  • Mexico
  • Philippines
  • India
  • Colombia

We Provide Best virtual Assistant Service

Meet our call center

Meet our call center experts